
Monday, 23 May 2011

PCJ Monday Meet & Greet


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· How long have you been crafting?

I have been crafting since I was born! I remember being very young and my grandmother teaching me to crochet, needlepoint, cross stitch and quilt. Later I learned to draw and paint. One of my favourite birthday presents was a professional watercolour paint set! I was introduced to scrapbooking way back in 1993 when a co-worker showed me her Creative Memories album. Of course I fell in love with it and the rest is history!

· If you were stranded on a deserted island, what 3 things would you bring to keep on crafting?

This one is a toughie. I would have to say I would bring my computer, printer and scissors! I adore Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator so I would use these programs to create digital images, color and print them then create cards and scrapbook pages with them.

· What gets your creative juices flowing?

It doesn’t take much! Sometimes just seeing certain colors together have me off and running. I follow blogs and participate in challenges and really love looking at other peoples’ creations.

· Do you whistle while you work?

Whistling has never been my thing!

· What is your favourite music to listen to while crafting away?

I don’t listen to music while I craft. I listen to audible books. Ever since I was a kid I devoured every book and magazine I could get my hands on. However, with a full-time job, raising two kids, maintaining a household and crafting, there wasn’t any time to read. I discovered books on tape many years ago and now thanks to, iTunes and my iTouch I can “read” and drive, craft, wash dishes, walk, etc.

· What is your absolute most favourite product to work with?

I love, love, love Tim Holtz’s products. His style is really creative and funky!

· Where do your creative messes flow?

Who really needs a formal dining room anyway? Several years ago we turned our unused formal dining room into a scrapbook room. My dear husband installed cupboards, a counter top and shelves. Now that I work from home we have had to modify the scrapbook room to double as an office.

Cindys Office

· Share a piece of work that you are proudest of-it can be anything new or old :)

Of course it would have to be a Tim Holtz project. I took a class from him last year and we made these cute curio cabinets. Of course mine had to be in color and not the vintage look he was going for, but I liked it!

Tims Curio

· Are you a messy crafter or tidy?

I am an incredibly messy crafter, but after I finish a project I have to tidy up. I can’t stand looking at clutter so everything must be neat and tidy at the beginning and the end of a project. As you can see from the photo of my scrapbook room above, I was obviously in the middle of a project when the photo was taken!

· Do you plan out your projects before starting or make it up as you go along?

Try as I might, I am just not organized enough to plan my projects before starting. I do start with an idea, a sketch or a color palette and then just let the project morph into the final creation.

· Describe your crafting style in 3 words

Trendy, Colorful, and Clean. My projects are always full of color with lots of embellishments but the base of the project must have clean straight lines. I also cannot throw something on just for the sake of it.

· Complete this sentence:

You will know which project is mine by…. the project is colored within an inch of its life. I have not met a color I haven’t liked. As I said above, my projects are always full of bright, vibrant colors.

· What is/are your “Must buy” craft item(s)

I can’t get enough epoxy brads – the problem is I hoard them and don’t use them!

· What do you do when your Mojo takes a nosedive?

I hit the internet and explore blogs, galleries, and on-line stores.

· My favourite online craft shop(s)



Anyone that sells digital images!

· Share your favorite quote

If it isn’t in the scrapbook, it didn’t happen!

· What is your favorite film

That would be a tie between “Say Anything” and “A League of Their Own”

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