
Thursday, 21 November 2013

Winner and Top Picks of our Case a Card Challenge

Hiya Peeps!

I have to admit that our Case a Card challenge was a complete BUST!!!

Will definitely not be adding that challenge to next years list.

Thank you to everyone that entered!  It was fun to see how you all cased a card and made it your own!

Our Case a Card was sponsored by:

They are offering the winner a $20 Gift Certificate to their store!

And the winner is:

# 15. Anna 

Congratulations Anna!  What a gorgeous card!  Please contact us within 2 weeks to claim your prize (see sidebar for contact details)

Now onto our Top Picks:

The Top Picks was done by Iwona.....from Hospital...She just had a baby!!!  Congratulations Iwona!

Here they are:

# 5. Glittertastic 

 7. stempelomi 

# 15. Anna

Congratulations!  Please grab your winner and Top Picks badges in the sidebar.

Next challenge will be up in a moment!


  1. Sometimes the challenge is a bit harder but I would not say that because of low particpation that the challenge was a bust. I enjoyed the CASE cards I made and I enjoyed the compliments I got from the people I CASEd. Congrats to the winner.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  2. thanks for being a top pick! ANd congrats to all others

  3. My oh my! TOP 3 and a winner, WOW! Thank you sooooo much Ladies, this was a really fun challenge!
    Hugs from Poland
    Anna xxx


Thank you for your lovely commments