Our Fellow Journeyers

Thursday 25 October 2012

Winner and Top 3 Of our Bling it Up Challenge!

Hiya Peeps!!

Can you Crafters believe that in exactly 2 months it is Christmas!!!  Where has the time gone??  I am still getting used to writing 2012, and now it's almost time for 2013!!!

Thank you to all who entered our Bling it up Challenge!  What an honor it is to visit all your blogs and see your design styles and talent!  But alas!, there can only be one prize winner.

The winner of the $10 Whimsy Stamps Gift Certificate is....

Drum roll please....

#103 Lucy Patrick!

Congratulations Lucy!  Please email me so that I can get that gift certificate to you.  (see sidebar for email address).  You have 2 weeks to claim your prize, and then I will have to do a redraw!

Now onto our Top 3!

Congratulations!  Please feel free to grab your badges in the sidebar!

Our next challenge will be up soon!



  1. Oh, Wow, a win and a top 3, thank you sooo much!!! I'm very excited and will email you shortly. Congratulations to Sandy and Chris, XOX Lucy

  2. Hi there,
    Sorry I'm very late, but I didn't see this until now. Thank you very much for this award.



Thank you for your lovely commments